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New actor questions

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  • New actor questions

    I have the good fortune of getting to act for the first time this year.

    And although I know full makeup is much scarier than a mask, I still will probably be wearing a mask.

    Specifically, I have that gates of hell zombie mask. I believe it's all latex.

    Now the thing is, I still want to make it a little more gruesome and gross. So I'm wondering if it would damage the mask to add fake blood to it?

    Would I simply be able to wash it off after I'm done without ruining the paint job?

    If someone has a specific recipe for fake blood that is safe to use on latex, I would greatly appreciate it.


  • #2
    As a 16 year veteran of the industry I would like to propose this tip..... Try being scarier in the way you act. Don't rely on your mask or the gore to scare them. I saw or read somewhere that "a good actor can scare someone in a plain room with no make-up and a single white light". And its true.
    Dave B


    • #3
      I definitely agree. I've been to sooo many houses in the past 2 years and have seen both extremes of the spectrum.

      And as a first year actor, I expect to do a little learning, but plan to pick it up quickly.

      But I would also like to make it look very creepy and realistic at the same time.


      • #4
        I depends on the mask and how they made it. David said it best though work on your scare technique if you are planning to continue haunt acting I would suggest
        checking out allen's videos
        Proud to be able to work at


        • #5
          Allen's videos are a valuble referance . I will second that. Also important is to keep an open mind, absorb all the knowledge you can. Watch other actors and heed the advice of seasoned veterans.... there is always something to be learned ...even a decaded and a half later
          Dave B


          • #6
            Yea dont expect to do just a little learning, expect alot of learning.

            Going into my second yea of acting I was constantly learning new things last season, I expect to be doing the same all this season.


            • #7
              Anyone have an answer for the actual question?


              • #8
                Honestly it depends on the mask and the blood. Certain types of blood (especially the cheap "Bottle O' Blood stuff you find at temporary Halloween stores) tend to stain most things, including masks, and will leave a pink-ish stain. Many types of homemade blood will also stain due to the food coloring element. I've found that Ben Nye's stage blood will not stain at all, however it is more expensive (but you pay more for the high quality).
                Katie Lane
                Raven's Wolf Art Productions (

                Bansheette Morningstar (


                • #9
                  I Once Saw..

                  A newbie actor buy a $3.oo mask, spill some phoney blood on it and terrorize a well-known radio personality who was here for the tour.
                  He just sort of lurked behind him mostly and seemed to be able to appear always behind yet near him. (Know your house well)
                  We give newbies a flashlight and tell them to get lost in the house, my Wife believes this teaches them the best way, with no distractions either.
                  We have lost some employees this way, don't worry we are still "looking" 10 years later.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by RobfromErie View Post
                    I definitely agree. I've been to sooo many houses in the past 2 years and have seen both extremes of the spectrum.

                    And as a first year actor, I expect to do a little learning, but plan to pick it up quickly.

                    But I would also like to make it look very creepy and realistic at the same time.
                    A little learning? I have been doing this many years, and I am still learning. Always learning, from new actors, old actors, customers. Everyone, its when you think you know everything about scaring that you should quit. Because there will always be a new way to work a room, always a new noise you can make. You can be good, even the best in your respective haunt. But there will always be someone better. And you may loose your touch, it happens. But you gotta work it and get it back. But all this is just my opinion.
                    But a way to keep in practice, I just wear jeans, black shirt,, and a black coat with coattails. No makeup. And do my thing. Its a good way to get the hang of alternative scaring tactics. Mental more than in your face.


                    • #11
                      Another very important tip..... learn to read each group and tailor your performance them. And ,yes, always evolve.
                      Dave B


                      • #12
                        What scrymnster said. Observe them or listen while they are in the previous scene if you can. If they are using in your face tactics and its not working, obviously try something different.


                        • #13
                          My thing I really picked up on quickly last year give them hell each and every time and give it my best shot to catch them off guard and scare them. If I couldnt do that...I did my best to antagonize them. (In an entertaining way, just to get a laugh at least.)

                          Scares are all about timing though. My goal wasnt to scare one person, and wasnt to scare the girls or the little kids. My goal was to scare groups as a whole. It all has to do with the element of surprise and timing, which is why I loved my scene because I stood still enough that people thought I was a prop til they got right up on me and by then it was too late haha. LOVED it.


                          • #14
                            yOU wILL...

                            Never will have heard or seen it "All" when dealing with the public.
                            This also makes it fun and stimulating for us, doesn't it?
                            I have had two women actually nursing infants as they were going through my house!
                            One just this last October.
                            A really good scare requires time and strangeness, either of you, your words (sounds) and atmosphere, mood if you will, of the surroundings.
                            Time also can build anticipation or be used to lull them , distract them, setting them up for what comes next.
                            I tell the haunted history of this house, usually inserting attempted humor(a distraction)
                            I may also tell it with no humor.
                            I am doing and saying unusual things , creating a situation where they may have to actually ponder what I meant , engaging their mind(Another distraction?)
                            A normal tour through this house can require from 60 to 90 minutes or more, plenty of time to lull them and set them up to get scared from mundane objects brought to life and unexpected moments.(And appearing in unusual places)
                            Over these last 23 years I have created quick paths for myself to seemingly be able to cover alot of ground quickly to affect the scare.
                            The perfect scare/situation/reaction for me here is to see them jump,jerk, scream, them immediately laugh about it...and most people seem to like this too...and they keep returning, so I can then keep doing what I like to do best.

