Points well taken BUT REMEMBER I AM IN THE CHRISTMAS BUSINESS I AM A VENDOR TOO! I don't do this this kind of crap if I did I would have been out of business a longggggggggggggggg time ago. I am now in my 20th year. If I said all my customers were 100% happy I would be a bold face lie. But in 20 years not one can say they never recieved product way before the time they needed it. You can't make everyone happy it just don't happen. But again no one can ever say they did not get what they ordered!
Look I realize Mark has problems I knew this and for the most part have not said anything and here is why. I talked to Mark in Feb when I order and paid for in full my costume. I did ask Mark when will I see it? His reply "first of August" my thought was this is Febuary what the hell are you going to be doing between now and August? I mean I just bought and paid in full for a product you mean to tell me that you can't get over and start to work on it tomorrow? OK I take the blame for that. But Kevin iF we accept one excuse we have to accept them all.
Only he knew his health and again I still like Mark but they knew what and what not they could do period! YOU don't get in a bind take peoples money and then make excuses. As a buyer and a vendor I need to ask when does the statement "give them time" or "give me/us time" stop being an excuse with these people. I bet your bottom dollar that if I placed an order and then said " hey give me time" I will pay you....." hey look its been a bad year I will pay you", "my dog died and I have not felt like sending your money" give me time!!!!!!!!! Gosh this is stupid to be going over this. Lets do this hopefully the vendors will start making product we can just pick up at the show! Wait hell that want happen! Why? BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE OUR FREAKING MONEY TO PLAY WITH!!!!!
I want to say this Mark as a friend I still love you buddy. And this is not a bashing game with you because up till this point you have done a good job. My point here is THIS HAS TO STOP. I got someting lined up for TransWorld that's gonna turn this Industry upside down if your a vendor and think your going to come to the show rape us blind and run off THINK AGAIN! 2011 IS A NEW DAY IN HOW THIS INDUSTRY TREATS BUYERS.
There are many vendors who is on these forums, poison props. edge design, unit70, fright props, distortions, even you Kevin, many good vendors and not a one usually comments and I think the reason they don't is.... for one they want to stay out of it and for 2 and most importantly they know I am right and there is no excuse for this and they know the more it happens the harder they are going to get hit too and that's just not right or even fair to them.
Maybe I should have not got this going on the thread about Mark again I still love him as a friend my point here is again. ONE WAY OR ANOTHER THIS IS GOING TO STOP IF I HAVE TO SPEND EVERY LAST DIME I GOT TO DO IT TO SAVE THOSE WHO CAN'T AFFORD THESE KIND OF LOSSES! Shane and it's I WANT TO SEE THESE PEOPLE DONE RIGHT! Shane this time!
Let me add this again I think Mark will make all this right and get past this. And I promise I have much bigger fish to fry as what Mark owes me is nothing compaired to what some owe! remember TransWorld 2011 Baby! The year of change!
Larry... You were responding the same time as me and I will say this well put man !!!! And I to failed and made a mistake here to and that is in saying sometimes things happen mistakes happen I do understand that as well as anyone else. But we have to treat each one as a case by case issue. I will say this again some of you guys that have done this over and over again is just plain chit out of luck! Changes are coming people I am not running a campain here I am just stating a fact!
Points well taken BUT REMEMBER I AM IN THE CHRISTMAS BUSINESS I AM A VENDOR TOO! I don't do this this kind of crap if I did I would have been out of business a longggggggggggggggg time ago. I am now in my 20th year. If I said all my customers were 100% happy I would be a bold face lie. But in 20 years not one can say they never recieved product way before the time they needed it. You can't make everyone happy it just don't happen. But again no one can ever say they did not get what they ordered!
Look I realize Mark has problems I knew this and for the most part have not said anything and here is why. I talked to Mark in Feb when I order and paid for in full my costume. I did ask Mark when will I see it? His reply "first of August" my thought was this is Febuary what the hell are you going to be doing between now and August? I mean I just bought and paid in full for a product you mean to tell me that you can't get over and start to work on it tomorrow? OK I take the blame for that. But Kevin iF we accept one excuse we have to accept them all.
Only he knew his health and again I still like Mark but they knew what and what not they could do period! YOU don't get in a bind take peoples money and then make excuses. As a buyer and a vendor I need to ask when does the statement "give them time" or "give me/us time" stop being an excuse with these people. I bet your bottom dollar that if I placed an order and then said " hey give me time" I will pay you....." hey look its been a bad year I will pay you", "my dog died and I have not felt like sending your money" give me time!!!!!!!!! Gosh this is stupid to be going over this. Lets do this hopefully the vendors will start making product we can just pick up at the show! Wait hell that want happen! Why? BECAUSE THEY DON'T HAVE OUR FREAKING MONEY TO PLAY WITH!!!!!
I want to say this Mark as a friend I still love you buddy. And this is not a bashing game with you because up till this point you have done a good job. My point here is THIS HAS TO STOP. I got someting lined up for TransWorld that's gonna turn this Industry upside down if your a vendor and think your going to come to the show rape us blind and run off THINK AGAIN! 2011 IS A NEW DAY IN HOW THIS INDUSTRY TREATS BUYERS.
There are many vendors who is on these forums, poison props. edge design, unit70, fright props, distortions, even you Kevin, many good vendors and not a one usually comments and I think the reason they don't is.... for one they want to stay out of it and for 2 and most importantly they know I am right and there is no excuse for this and they know the more it happens the harder they are going to get hit too and that's just not right or even fair to them.
Maybe I should have not got this going on the thread about Mark again I still love him as a friend my point here is again. ONE WAY OR ANOTHER THIS IS GOING TO STOP IF I HAVE TO SPEND EVERY LAST DIME I GOT TO DO IT TO SAVE THOSE WHO CAN'T AFFORD THESE KIND OF LOSSES! Shane and it's I WANT TO SEE THESE PEOPLE DONE RIGHT! Shane this time!
Let me add this again I think Mark will make all this right and get past this. And I promise I have much bigger fish to fry as what Mark owes me is nothing compaired to what some owe! remember TransWorld 2011 Baby! The year of change!
Larry... You were responding the same time as me and I will say this well put man !!!! And I to failed and made a mistake here to and that is in saying sometimes things happen mistakes happen I do understand that as well as anyone else. But we have to treat each one as a case by case issue. I will say this again some of you guys that have done this over and over again is just plain chit out of luck! Changes are coming people I am not running a campain here I am just stating a fact!