I was just teasing about the clubs, but really Michigan isn't as bad as people think. You want cheap and affortable, go to the D or the metro area which IS really nice. We have what 3 casinos downtown? We have everything that was mentioned about St. Louis but the arch. I have been to both St. Louis and Detroit and no matter what anyone says, they are very similiar. And Howie is correct we have a ton of haunted houses. What did the Hauntcon attendies think of it when they where here? As far as the weather, yeah by the end of March it is fine.
Howie, have you been hearing some rumors about a lot of haunts leaving the area? I keep hearing stuff but don't know that any of it is true.
Howie, have you been hearing some rumors about a lot of haunts leaving the area? I keep hearing stuff but don't know that any of it is true.